A delegation from the University of Economics in Bratislava (EUBA), Slovakia, recently visited CPUT to explore collaborative programmes, which will expand their relationship with the institution beyond just the Faculty of Business and Management Sciences.
Since the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between CPUT and EUBA in 2016, the faculty has hosted six EUBA staff members on an Erasmus+ exchange programme while EUBA has hosted three CPUT staffers.
The visit by EUBA Rector, Prof Dr Ferdinand Daňo and Prof Dr Peter Drábik, Vice- Dean: EUBA’s Faculty of Commerce, had been scheduled to discuss expanding the relationship with CPUT beyond the Faculty– with particular interest in the Faculty of Engineering.
On the Bellville Campus the delegation met with Prof Rene Pellissier, Director: Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships, who undertook to explore further options for partnership.
At a further meeting with the management of the FoBMS on the Granger Bay Campus it was agreed that EUBA, CPUT and other partners in Africa will be submitting an ERASMUS+ Capacity Building – Infrastructure funding proposal, to establish a Business Innovation and Incubation Hub on CPUT’s District Six Campus in February 2019.
A delegation from EUBA will again be visiting CPUT in August to participate in the International Conference on Business Management Dynamics hosted by CPUT annually as they are co-hosts.
Their academics have submitted five papers for review for presentation at this conference and EUBA is considering hosting 2019’s conference in Bratislava.
EUBA’s academics are involving in the co-supervision of five CPUT Mtech: Business Administration students as well as review and publication of a joint empirical paper on digitalisation and e-leadership with their CPUT counterparts.
Dr Michael Twum-Darko, from CPUT’s Graduate Centre for Management, was appointed to the EUBA’s scientific committee and is reviewing papers for EUBA-accredited journals and for international conferencing.