Facilitators: Daniela Gachago and Izak van Zyl, Center for e-Learning/ETU
Dates and venue
- 3rd of March 2016, 13.30-15.30, Lab 303, IT center Bellville
- 10th of March 2016, 13.30-15.30, e-Learning building, Cape Town (repeat)
Description of workshop:
Connecting and engaging with fellow academics online using social media has become an important part of an academic’s research practice. Academic reputations today can be considerably enhanced by developing an online profile or ‘academic identity’, that brings your work quickly to the attention of larger numbers of people than you can reach through conventional publishing or conference attendance. Academic social networking sites such as www.academia.edu or www.researchgate.net are important platforms to increase one’s academic visibility. These workshops will introduce some of the tools that can help you maintain, look after and monitor your online academic identity while setting up a personal research environment, such as Twitter, Slideshare, Google citations, Academic.edu, Researchgate, Mendeley and blogging.
To book these workshops please use our online booking system or email gachagod@cput.ac.za.