Staff Hotline

We would like to receive any comments you have regarding the things you experience while working at CPUT.

Information on your experiences at CPUT will help us provide a better environment for you to work in. We will keep your information confidential and not disclose it to anyone.

Thank you
The CPUT Quality Management hotline

Your Message (required)

Would you like feedback on your report? (required)

Optional information:

IF you would like feedback, please give use details about you. All information you provide in this report will be kept private and confidential. It will not be used against you in any way.

Your staff name (optional)

Your staff email (optional, but if used then enter a CPUT email address only)

Your Faculty or Unit (optional)

Your campus (optional)

If you are commenting on an operational issue have you made an attempt to resolve the problem?

Will you share what you have tried if you are contacted?

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