The author of the bestselling book Living Coloured, recently visited CPUT and encouraged the audience to write their own stories.
“There’s no such thing as failure, only setbacks. Take the feedback and turn it into something positive, was the message from Yusuf Daniels to the CPUT community.
He jokingly added: “And remember to ‘be lekker’”.
signed autographs and answered questions from the CPUT community during the
meet and greet at the District Six Library.
The event was organised by CPUT Libraries.
The book, which Daniels said took him one month and one week to write, has been a runaway success.
According to the Exclusive Books website, Living Coloured (Because Black and White Were Already Taken), is a compilation of short stories that is an ode to an era all Cape Coloured people will instantly recognise – from the nightclubbing at Space Odyssey and the shenanigans at the Mitchells Plain public swimming pool, to the traditions of delectable food exchanges during Ramadan among Muslims and Christians, alike. The book is described as “a tribute to all that the Coloured community holds dear”.