WISH is a development initiative that brings together early career researchers, educators, practitioners, employers and policy makers from the UK and South Africa to develop realisable projects that increase the quality, range and number of opportunities for diverse students in, and beyond, the creative industries. It is looking to:
- Widen access to Higher Education
- Increase participation within Higher Education
- Ensure student success
- Enhance employability
WISH is managed by the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) and the University of East London (UEL).
We are now looking to recruit early career researchers and practitioners from both the UK and South Africa to take part in our programme (in total 30 participants). The programme starts on the 4th of September 2017 and participants will need to commit to:
- Contributing to an online discussion group from the 4th of September to 29th of September 2017
- Attending a developmental workshop in Cape Town from 11th to 13th October 2017
- Supporting the development of relevant ideas into realisable projects and initiatives that can be taken forward collaboratively after the workshop
The 30 participants can come from academic institutions and from practice. We are able to offer places to:
- ten participants from the partner institutions (five from CPUT and five from UEL)
- ten participants from other higher education institutions (five from the UK and five from South Africa)
- ten participants from outside academia (NPOs, NGOs, research organisations, professional bodies, governmental agencies, individual practitioners, etc) (five from the UK and five from South Africa)
Local and international travel (flight tickets), accommodation and subsistence costs will be covered by the organisers.
If you have any questions please email WISHresearcherlinks@uel.ac.uk.
This workshop is funded by