International Awesomeness Day!!!

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“Awesomeness doesn’t start with a plan, a budget, a strategy, or a book.  It starts with YOU! It starts at the core – which is attitude.”  (PeopleWorks Inc.)

Today (10 March) is International Awesomeness Day!

This idea of International Awesomeness Day was initiated by Kevin Lawver.  Since people are awesome every day and their acts of awesomeness are rarely recognized, International Day of Awesomeness is a way to both perform and celebrate feats of awesomeness!

To celebrate the International Day of Awesomeness is to be awesome.  You and a group of your friends could perform acts of awesomeness!

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Eating on the run…

pic1 art3According to an article by authors Adam Smith and Dr Robert Verkerk (June 2013), six, eight and nine minutes is the average time Brits spend eating their breakfast, lunch and dinner, respectively – 23 minutes in total for their day’s eating!

With today’s fast paced lifestyle where we try to cram in as much as we can into a day, eating on the run has become extremely common.

The busy life of a student can become very demanding at times, and it’s not uncommon to grab the fastest and easiest meal choices – which are not always the healthiest, either!

Being away from home and living in residence means that you are also responsible for preparing your own meals.  This can be challenging, especially if you are pressed for time or share a communal kitchen space!

Snacking can be part of a healthy eating plan.  Pack a lunch box – it’s more economical, can reduce fat, calories and sodium in your diet, and you can take it anywhere!  When making your mid-morning or mid-afternoon snacks, choose healthy food rich in nutrients.  Healthy snacks can stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent over eating.  A snack is not a meal – so watch your portion size.  How much you eat will depend on your activity level.

Also try to ease up on the coffee, and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water!

pic5 art3Here are some tips to get you snacking healthily on quick, easy and nutritious eats to fuel your day:

  • Dried fruit, nuts and seed
  • Fruit smoothie made with yoghurt
  • Boiled eggs
  • Homemade cereal bars or muffins
  • Cottage cheese or peanut butter as a topping to whole grain bread or biscuits
  • Greek yoghurt with chopped fruit
  • Hummus with raw vegetables

pic7 art3  You are welcome to check out the websites below for more great ideas to eat on the go!














In our thoughts…


“Heroes represent the best of ourselves, respecting that we are human beings.  A hero can be anyone from Gandhi to your classroom teacher, anyone who can show courage when faced with a problem.  A hero is someone who is willing to help others in his or her best capacity.”  Ricky Martin

I suppose many of you have heard by now about the fires that broke out across the Peninsula a few days ago.

Tragically, the fire has caused a great deal of damage. Residents in the area had to leave their homes and seek refuge elsewhere.  Sadly, some had lost everything they owned as their properties were either damaged or completely destroyed in the devastating fires.

It is also heart breaking to think about the animals and vegetation affected by the fire.  Fortunately, the SPCA has also been involved in rescuing animals on the scene.

Brave fire fighters have been working around the clock battling large fires. Communities have been incredibly supportive in their efforts to assist by giving donations.

If you would like to help, the following items are currently needed:

First aid equipment, fire protective gear (clothing and boots), blankets and towels, large water bowls.

Drop off points include Cape of Good Hope SPCA (cnr 1st Avenue and First Road, Grassy Park, Cape Town), or call (021) 700-4140, for more information.

You are also welcome to visit the following website to find out more:

article2 pic1  “The smallest acts of kindness represent humanity”





Excel in the first term!


Classes have commenced about a month ago, and, hopefully, you are having stimulating class discussions and enjoying the excitement and buzz of university life!

As you probably have experienced by now, the life of a student can suddenly become extremely busy!  You have also probably already been informed about your first assignment and test due dates, and possibly feeling a bit stressed too!  Remember, the decisions and actions you take now will greatly impact on your academic experience.

article 1   Here are some tips that may help you during this critical time and assist you on your way to breezing through the first term:

  • Get organized.  Improve your time management skills by using a diary, a weekly study time table, a term and semester planner, and a daily to do list.  Plot due dates of tests, exams and assignments and place in an area where you can monitor when these are due.  Try to beat procrastination by setting deadlines and sticking to them.


  • Attend ALL your lectures.  When your alarm goes, don’t be tempted to continue to press the snooze button and sleep in.  I know it’s hard, but get up!  Need I say more…?


  • Spend your “free time” wisely by being productive.  Unlike school, you may find that you have some “free time” in your university schedule, either between classes, or when your classes start later or finish earlier.  It’s tempting, especially with the great weather, to just sit and chill by chatting to friends in the cafeteria or outside on the lawn next to the pool.  But remember, moderation is key.  Use your “free time” productively by reading up on your various study subjects, do research, or work on your assignments, or study for tests.


  • Use the resources on your campus.  Find out about workshops, accessing self-help material, tutors, and agencies that offer study support.  Improve your knowledge and develop skills by attending workshops offered by various agencies on the CPUT campuses, and logging onto the CPUT website to access videos on study skills support that cover topics such as motivation, study skills, time and stress management,  that will assist you in improving your self- management, and in turn, your academic performance.


  • Study independentlyUse your coursework guide to plan ahead by reading for class, set goals for yourself so that you work consistently and keep up with the pace.  If necessary, develop new learning styles.


  • Set goals.  Set achievable goals for yourself when it comes to your coursework, assignments, tests and exams, and work hard toward achieving them.


  • Get involved on campus.  Get to know the various organizations, clubs and sports teams on your respective campuses.  It’s a great way to make new friends and learn new skills… and a great antidote to loneliness, especially if you are feeling homesick!


  • Moderation is key.  You know what they say, “all work and no play…”  Seek balance in your social and academic life.  Don’t forget to make time for you.  Learn techniques that can help you relax and manage your stress.  Get enough sleep and eat a balanced diet.


  • Your study space.  Find a place that works for you, be it the university library, your room at home or in residence, as long as you can avoid distractions.


  • Learn to budget.  Part of being independent is learning how to manage your money, which means sticking to a budget.  Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for many students to only learn this skill when they start university, especially when they have to manage their bursary money.


  • Seek help when you need it.  It’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed from time to time as a student.  You are not alone.  Professional, confidential counselling services are offered free of charge on ALL CPUT campuses.

art1 pic2   Make the most of opportunities being offered by various agencies that provide student and study skills support, and you will be on your way to a successful university career.  You will be equipped with knowledge, skills and habits that not only contribute to you excelling academically, but in your future career as well!  Now that’s really great, isn’t it!










A warm welcome to ALL FIRST YEAR students!!!


“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.”  Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr 

Few things beat that indescribable feeling of reading your letter of acceptance to your favourite university!

Your journey to unlocking your wildest dreams has indeed, commenced!

It’s exhilarating to know that you hold the power to unlock opportunities to realize your dreams and carve out an absolutely awesome future for yourself!  This is, of course, also an enormous responsibility.

Yes, guys and girls, with university study comes a great deal of responsibility, and at times, even sacrifice.  On your journey you may experience peaks and valleys.  When the road becomes winding and you start to become weary, do not fret!  Help is available… all you need to do is ask!  

Just pop around to one of the Student Counselling units on your respective campuses and book an appointment with one of the student counsellors.  We are trained professionals to help you on your journey to success!  You will hear more about us in your orientation sessions held on the various CPUT campuses.

And remember; NEVER EVER lose the HUNGER to acquire new KNOWLEDGE by being an ETERNAL student!!!

So go on, DARE to dream BIG!!!

Oh, and, yes, there is one thing that beats the feeling of being accepted to your favourite university… achieving your goals, especially after you have worked exceptionally hard!!!

“The only failure is not to try”.  George Clooney

All the best











Tis the season…

article 10 pic 1  The “silly season” is upon us and it’s time to press the pause button…

This season conjures up images of sun and surf, balmy nights, long lazy strolls along the beach, sipping cocktails and sun downers (watch out for the alcohol content, though!), chilling at a braai with family and friends, cooling down in the pool, frolicking in the waves, or for those feeling more adventurous, throw on a rucksack and don your takkies to explore the beautiful sights the Mother City has to offer, or if you feel the only exercise you would rather have is doing absolutely nothing, except stretching for the remote control… uhmm… pure bliss!!!

Since alcohol is used in many cultures for various celebrations, this season will be no different.  Since drinks come in a variety of shapes and sizes, there is a great deal of misperception around how much alcohol is consumed, so do keep the following in mind while enjoying your alcoholic beverage.

According to South Africans Against Drunk Driving (SADD), one unit of alcohol comes to 0.02g in your blood, or 0.10mg in your breath.  In South Africa, the legal limit is a breath alcohol content (BAC) of 0.24mg per 1,000ml, or a blood alcohol limit of 0.24mg per 1,000ml, or a blood alcohol limit of 0.05g per 100ml – which is something every motorist should seriously heed (Automobile Association of South Africa). 

So how long, exactly, does alcohol stay in your blood?

According to the National Health Service (NHS), on average it takes approximately ONE HOUR for the body to break down ONE UNIT of alcohol. 

However, factors such as your gender, age, weight, how much food you have eaten with the alcohol, the type and strength of the alcohol, your drinking pattern, chronic alcohol consumption, and medications, are factors that can all influence BAC (; NHS). 

Since the liver is the body’s major metabolic organ, and the primary site for alcohol metabolism, this could take much longer if your liver is not functioning normally (

So whether your drink of choice is beer, cider or wine, do keep in mind the units of alcohol per drink.

So, no matter how you will be spending the “silly season”, enjoy every minute of well-deserved down time, and do drive carefully, and stay safe.

article 10 pic 2Happy holidays!!!

PS:  While we are celebrating the festive season, our dearly departed colleague, Dr Abie De Villiers and his family, will be in our thoughts and in our hearts. 


Automobile Association of South Africa (AA)  what-is-over-the-limit.html

National Health Service (NHS)

South Africans Against Drunk Driving


“To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.”  Thomas Campbell

Today Psychology mourns the loss of an excellent Psychologist and an even greater human being, Dr Abie de Villiers, our much loved colleague.  We are deeply saddened by his loss.  Abie, you will be greatly missed and always fondly remembered.

With much love,

The Student Counselling Team


Guy who?

gf1  Let’s face it, there’s something festive about fireworks!

Guy Fawkes also known as Guido Fawkes (1570 – 1606) made history in the 1600s (which you are welcome to research on your own), and, fast-forward to today, celebrations with fireworks still take place on November 5… which happens to be around the corner!

However, this time of the year also coincides with many a stressed out student writing their final exams.  Any attempt to cram in a few more facts, or catch forty winks prior to writing their exam, is extremely challenging when having to compete with deafening bangs and shrieks of laughter as firecrackers are set off, which often sound as though its taking place on one’s doorstep or just outside your window!

In addition, these fun filled festivities often take place prior to 5 November, and it is not uncommon for it to continue for a few days after, too!

Apart from the tired student whose exams are often scheduled back to back, there is also great concern for the four legged species, especially during this time of the year.  You see, a dog’s hearing is extremely acute, as dogs can hear at frequencies higher than the human hearing range (the human hearing range is from 20cps (or 20Hz) up to 20,000cps (or 20kHz), while a dog’s hearing range goes from 40cps (40Hz) to 60,000cps (60 kHz)

gf2   So, as you can well imagine, as mom to two, furry, four-legged babies, this time of the year can be extremely traumatic (as I’m sure many dog owners would know), especially since dogs are often scared and panic stricken in the midst of all the festivities! (See website below for some tips on how to keep your dog safe during fireworks).

So if you are planning your celebration with fireworks, do take the necessary precautions, and think of students facing finals and the four legged species by sticking to designated firework areas such as the beach or sports field (see website below for designated firework areas in Cape Town).




How to keep your dog safe and at ease when the fireworks start by Cesar Millan

Fireworks celebrations



50 shades of green…

green 1  Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises. Pedro Calderon de la Barca

Have you ever watched an international movie and caught a glimpse of those impressive high rise buildings?  Or, have you been privileged to see them on your travels abroad?  High rise buildings in urban areas have become popular in modern day living to cater for the increasing rise in population with the creative use of space.

On your journey back home from your travels abroad, your experience (hopefully) has made you appreciate your living space even more; especially those of you who are fortunate to have your own back and/or front gardens.  These cosy, quaint spots become a favourite space to have a daily cuppa, lazily soak up the sun in a hammock, entertain family and friends, roll around on the lawn with the kids and dogs, spend time at night gazing at the starry sky, or just spend some quiet time.

For those whose current living environment does not offer this kind of space, you will be delighted to know (if you don’t already) that the Mother City offers many breathtakingly beautiful scenic spots in nature for you to enjoy in your leisure time, where you can have a long, lazy picnic lunch, relax while taking in the beauty of your surrounds and listen to the sounds of nature or a waterfall, go out on a lake in a rowing boat, take in a sunset concert, or, you could just head to one of the local parks in your area, or do a walking or hiking trail!

So, what is it about being in nature, that lifts one’s spirits; making you feel energised and at peace?

green 2 

A walk in nature can give you the small dose of wilderness you need to refresh your spirit” (The Wilderness Society)

For centuries monks have meditated in nature.  “We find that green park areas that feel so healing and nurturing are filled with prana (Sanskrit word for life-giving force).  The prana comes out of the green plants and it feels good to us.  This certainly feels different than spending time in a city, paved over with cement!” (

According to Josh Peterson (Planet Green), researchers at the University of Michigan assert that taking a nature walk can sharpen your mind, as opposed to a walk around the city, which does not have the same effect!

So, if you are longing for a spiritual experience or just want to “recharge your batteries”, why not visit a slice of heaven in nature!  For those who are interested, check out the sources below for the websites on Tips for Nature Walking, as well as, A Guide to Cape Town’s Best Hikes!

green 3 Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”  (Albert Einstein, German-born theoretical physicist; 1879-1955)

Happy trails!!!


Tips for Nature Walking

 A Guide to Cape Town’s Best Hikes


Laughter… the best medicine?

art8pic1   In life, “an optimist laughs to forget, but a pessimist forgets to laugh.” (Tom Bodett)

art8pic2When was the last time you laughed so hard that you were doubled over, your cheeks ached and tears rolled?

Did you know that the average adult laughs 15 times a day, while the average child, laughs more than 400 times a day (Martha Beck).

According to scientists, humans have the most expressive face on the planet (Humintell), and when you laugh, you use up to 15 different muscles in your face! (

art8pic3  “Laughter is part of a universal language of basic emotions that all humans share.” (Jennifer Warner)

art8pic4  In Medieval times court jesters were well paid to perform for rulers and nobility at parties and celebrations.  The performance was in comic style and jesters made jokes either in word or song about people or events that the audiences knew (

Today it is not uncommon to find members of the public, friends, family, or even ourselves, purchase tickets to get our fix of laughter by taking in a show performed by our favourite stand-up comedian – be it Marc Lottering, Trevor Noah, John Vlismas, Kagiso Lediga, Stewart Taylor – the list is endless, but I think you get the idea!

art8pic5   Laughter has commonly been referred to as the “best medicine”.  So how is it good for you?

Laughter enlivens us by boosting our energy levels, as well as trigger healthy physical changes in our bodies.

A good laugh is an enormously fast acting and powerful antidote to stress, pain and conflict.  It induces relaxation by releasing physical tension (

Laughter boosts our immune system and protects us from the damaging effects of stress by reducing harmful stress hormones such as cortisol, and increases health-enhancing hormones such as endorphins and infection-fighting antibodies (; Pamela Gerloff).

It triggers endorphins which are also known as the body’s natural feel good chemicals, which fosters a sense of well-being and alleviates pain (; Pamela Gerloff).

Another good reason to have a good laugh is that it tightens your tummy muscles and strengthens your heart (

art8pic6   “A good sense of humour is one of the most important tools in your self-care kit.” (nib)

art8pic7   So go on, have a good ol’ loud bellowing great laugh… its free and really contagious!
