Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity. Although many people experience these symptoms occasionally, for someone with ADHD, they are much more severe and disruptive. ADHD impacts a person’s ability to function well in many aspects of their lives, including being at home, at school or work, or with friends.

Although ADHD symptoms are usually present from an early age (and must occur prior to age 12), the disorder often is not diagnosed until someone is in school. This may be because the home environment is often less restrictive than a classroom, where hyperactive and impulsive behaviour is more disruptive and noticeable. However, children with ADHD will experience many difficulties at home or in social situations prior to beginning school.

Why does he or she sometimes seem engaged and focused?

ADHD is often less obvious in activities that require a lot of physical participation (e.g., playing sports) or that are highly enjoyed (e.g., a fun video game). Symptoms usually are most noticeable when the young person is in a group setting that requires quiet attention, or when he or she is working in a really distracting environment.

What can you do if you are concerned that someone you know might have ADHD?

1. Encourage the person to seek help (or take him or her to a trained health professional yourself, if appropriate).

2.  Ask the person a few questions to get a better sense of what is going on:

    • Do you have difficulty paying attention or sitting still?
    • Do you find it hard to remember instructions for assignments or projects?
    • Do you often lose things that you need or that are important?
    • Do you find it really easy to get distracted?
    • Do people often get frustrated with you for interrupting or not waiting your turn?
 What can you do if someone in your life is diagnosed with ADHD?

If someone in your life has been diagnosed with ADHD, here’s what you can do:

  • Be well-informed. Learn everything you can about ADHD and how it may affect the life of the person you care about. Read books, trusted websites and talk to your doctor. Check out Evidence Based Medicine for information on how to critically evaluate the information you read and Communicating With Your Health Care Provider for a list of questions to ask your health care provider.
  • Remember that someone with ADHD has difficulty paying attention or sitting still, it’s not that he or she doesn’t want to do so. This is because of differences in the way their brain works, not because he or she is trying to cause trouble. Try to limit the frequency of negative comments and avoid comments about “bad behaviour” unless it’s apparent that he or she is intentionally misbehaving. It can be really frustrating and upsetting for someone with ADHD when his or her disorder is confused with misbehaviour.
  • Try not to decrease his or her self-esteem by focusing only on problem areas. Make sure you also notice and support his or her strengths and accomplishments.
  • If you know someone who has been diagnosed with ADHD, he or she should also be assessed for learning problems as learning disabilities are more common in children with ADHD.
 What treatment options exist?

A variety of treatment options exist for ADHD. Successful treatment for ADHD improves school and work function, family and peer relationships, and decreases risk of traffic accidents and substance abuse. Determining which course of action is appropriate for each individual should be done with the guidance of a health professional who is knowledgeable about effective treatment options. Options include:

  • Medication: Medication is the most effective treatment for ADHD symptoms, as it helps the brain function the way it should. Common medications include stimulants and some types of antidepressants. For more information on how to properly use medications, check out MedEd.
  • Social Skills Training: Many children and teenagers with ADHD have social problems due to their impulsivity and hyperactivity. Social Skills Training helps them learn and practice positive ways of interacting with other people.
  • Learning Modifications/Adaptations: Often, making changes to the persons’ learning environment can be a big help. Examples include providing quieter places to work, allowing homework to be done in small amounts over an extended period of time, breaking tasks down into manageable chunks, etc.
  • Parental Behaviour Training: Children and teenagers with ADHD often benefit most from particular parenting techniques that their parents can learn how to use. Parental Behaviour Training helps parents better understand ADHD and how it impacts their child in order to parent in a way that will be most beneficial for someone with ADHD.
  • School supports: Sometimes certain adaptations can be made by the school to assist a student in coping with and managing his or her symptoms.
  • Community supports: Community supports can include peer support groups for teenagers, support groups for families, and other helpful resources.
  • For help maintaining the kind of healthy lifestyle that should accompany professional treatment, encourage your teenager or friend to check out Taking Charge of Your Health.

Remember, all treatments have the same goals: decrease symptoms and improve functioning; decrease risk of relapse; and promote recovery. Think about it this way: Get well; Stay well; Be well.

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