Training Procedures

Online Tutor Training Application Procedure

1. Tutor Training 

Online Tutor Training will resume in June 2020 as the university transitions to remote learning. The training is available  2nd year, 3rd year, B.Tech, M.Tech and D.Tech students. Students will be trained over a period of 12 hours (2 days) using the experiential model online via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra.  At this stage only students who have access to the internet will be able to attend the tutor training.  All students who successfully complete the required modules will receive a Tutor Certificate.

2. Tutor Training Enrolment and Appointment Process:

1.    Tutor Training Enrolment form

Procedures to apply:

Send an email to Mrs. Jean Collins at, (Bellville) or Ms Siphokazi Mboxela at, (Cape Town)

  1. Lecturer identify students to be tutors or students who qualify may ask for permission to tutor in a subject.
  2. Request a tutor training enrolment form from one of the administrators above or download here STUDENT-TUTOR-Training Enrolment form-2021
  4. Complete the application form
  5. NB* The lecturer as well as the HOD of the department should then sign the application form.
  6. Attach a copy of the student academic record.
  7. Return signed forms and copy of your academic record to Jean Collins or Siphokazi Mboxela
  8. Electronic copies over the documents with digital signatures will be accepted.

Students who have missed day two before the university closure may register to attend day 2 only to complete the programme.


3. Online Peer Tutor Support Workshop

The workshop is available to students who are trained peer tutors. In this workshop you will learn more about Blackboard and how to offer peer support online.

Workshop Registration  Form

4. Accessing Tutor Training Via Blackboard

  • Learn more about how to access Blackboard by referring to the BB Student Guide Final_
  • Once you have completed the tutor training enrolment form, a link will be sent to you to access the training online.
  • You will need a computer, laptop or smartphone to access training and internet connectivity.
  • A reminder will be sent to all students that have been successfully registered. Only students registered to attend will receive the link and this link cannot be shared with anyone else.

4.    Work-study Appointment forms

It is important to note the following:

5.    Workstudy Payroll Dates

Due dates for claims should be strictly adhered to. Late claims will be processed the following month.

The payroll process is deadline driven and it is imperative that the dates above be adhered to in order for the Payroll Section to deliver a service of excellence. The Payroll Section’s objective is to ensure that each staff member receives the correct salary on time each month.


Contact Details

Cape Town:

Ms. Onele Tshaka

Student Learning District 6



Ms. Jean Collins

Student Learning Bellville